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Los Angeles, November 15, 2021/PRNewswire/ - The Amsterdam Aquatech exhibition will be held from November 2 to November 5 this year. During the four-day event, major global water purification brands as well as reputable customers and enthusi
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Fresno County's vaccination rate rises
Bulldog is closed, who are you cheering for this week?
Thousands of giant sequoias were killed in California wildfires
The FBI in the valley cracked down on fentanyl due to overdose deaths of 103,000 people in the United States
A new study clarifies how to effectively use air filters to remove almost airborne Covid-19 traces in certain environments.
The research, conducted by the University of Cambridge and the Ardenbrook Hospital, can help limit the spread of Covid-19 and other rapidly spreading airborne virus in
The Association of State and Territory Solid Waste Management Officials ("ASTSWMO") adopted a revised policy position paper on October 27, titled:
Open cofferdam sealing system for underground storage tanks at retail refueling facilities ("Policy Position")
This policy position concer
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Experts share the best treatments for blackheads at home, including pore strips, acne extractors, etc.
We all feel guilty for trying to eject blackheads at some
For better or worse, there is always a beauty product in our medicine cabinet: nail polish remover. Unfortunately, dealing with the strong smell and unnecessary leaks of the beauty pillar does not always make us want to open it up. But don't worry-you are lucky. Nail polish removers are now in fo
European wood activated carbon market size, product sharing and trend analysis report (powder, granular), by application (food and beverage, cosmetics, healthcare) by region, and segment forecast, 2021-2028
New York, November 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - announced the releas
It should be noted that in an oil-free screw compressor, the compression chamber is isolated from the entire lubricated compressor system, while a smaller range of scroll compressors has no lubricated parts and is completely oil-free.
Larger oil-free screw compressors are es
August 12, 2021 07:00 ET | Source: RBK Absorption RBK Absorption
Montreal, August 12, 2021 (Global News Agency) - Xebec Adsorption Inc. (TSX: XBC) ("Xebec"), a global clean energy solution provider, today announced its results for the second quarter of