In the 1960s, scientists across Europe began to notice that the rain was unusually acidic, denuding forests and poisoning lakes. They traced the problem to the sulphur-dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. And not just their own – for example, sulphur emissions from the UK were c
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No one wants to think of harvest’s end as the vegetable garden reaches peak, but now’s the time to plant over-winter cover crops to improve your soil for next season.
If you’re not acquainted with cover crops, here’s the rundown: These hardworking plants can add o
Periods of rain. Potential for heavy rainfall. High 71F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch..
Periods of rain. Potential for heavy rainfall. Low 67F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall ar
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A man takes shelter from the sun as he waits for the bus in Oakland, Calif., on Monday, Sept. 5, 2022. Heat warnings and advisories have been extended until Thursday.
An ice cream vendor sells cold treats to beachgoers a
Laser metal cutting and fabrication specialists, LaserMaster has switched from bulk delivery of nitrogen, essential for the process, to an Atlas Copco on-site, high pressure nitrogen generation container unit.
The move it said ensures a
The dream of one day sending humans to Mars just got one step closer as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) successfully produced oxygen in the Red Planet.
The oxygen was produced using the apparatus Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE), whic
MOXIE being lowered into the rover. (Image credit: NASA)
The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilisation Experiment or MOXIE experiment on board the Perseverance rover has been successfully producing oxygen in the carbon-rich atmosphere of Mars since April 2021, about two months after it la
The winner will be randomly selected from correct entries and awarded $50. Entries must be received by the end of the month. Only one winner will be selected. Chances of winning are dependent upon the number of correct entries received. Employees of Babcox Media, industry manufacturers and Bod
Steelmaker to install $200 million gas supply system at its scrap-fed mill in Huger, South Carolina.
Nucor Corp., based in Charlotte, North Carolina, says it will invest $200 million over the next five years in what it calls mill modernization projects at its scrap-fed electric arc furna